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What's new in Prelay: May 2023
What's new in Prelay: May 2023
Chris Zuby avatar
Written by Chris Zuby
Updated over a week ago

Over the past few weeks, we’ve rolled out several exciting updates across our Plays workflows and notifications to drive a better overall user experience. We're excited to dive in and share some ways you can level up your deal management!

👥 More you can do with Plays

In Prelay, Plays provide a guided template for deal engagement, bringing a repeatable, reportable structure to previously ad-hoc activities. This month's update empowers teams to better assign stakeholders at every step of the deal, while collecting CRM data that answers revenue leaders' biggest questions.

Pre-assign actions for consistent ownership

When launching a new Play, users can now see upfront the Teams that need to get involved, and even specify Individual collaborators. Once the Play is created, stakeholders are automatically assigned to relevant Play Actions, helping deal teams ramp faster than ever.

Collect data to understand your market

New custom fields within Play Actions help revenue teams capture relevant deal information. As AEs, SEs, and other specialists input customer data, it automatically reports back to Salesforce, helping revenue leaders answer questions like:

  • Which integrations are most common in each vertical?

  • What’s the breakdown of product lines we’re supporting?

  • How many kinds of tests are involved in a full evaluation?

Sync custom fields with Salesforce

In addition to standard metadata (e.g. current milestone), Prelay's Managed Package now syncs custom Play Action fields back to SFDC counterparts. This helps users reduce manual or duplicate data entry, and takes admins only a few clicks to configure. See our Self-Serve Field Mapping tutorial to learn more.

Tie calendars to revenue impact

Directly within a Play Action, users can also now create or attach related meeting events, integrated with 📅 Google Calendar and Outlook. This centralized tracking of team calendars helps stakeholders stay organized and leadership understand where time is being spent across deals.

🎧 Notifications for your workday

Lastly, we’ve upgraded Prelay Notifications to enable fully custom schedules for all users. Visit your Settings panel here and select the preferred days, times, and channels for receiving updates. Our goal is to make sure critical items are communicated, without adding noise to already loud sales environments.

Those are the highlights from this month! We appreciate you reading, and hope you dive into Prelay to check them out for yourself. If you’d like to learn more about how these features fit into your current workflows, please reply here or ping us on Intercom in the Prelay app and we’ll be in touch.


Team Prelay 🏆

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