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How to setup Play Goals
How to setup Play Goals

Learn how to setup the new and improved Goals system on a Play.

Written by Engineering
Updated over a week ago

Creating Goals on a Play

Goals can be added to a Play on an ad-hoc basis to tailor the process to your customer's requirements. Walk through an example of creating a Business Objective below:

  1. Navigate to a Play and open the Goals section

  2. Click the "Create Business Objective Button." Fill out the name and Business Objective Type Fields.

    Note: The Business Objective Type serves as a general category tagging system for the Business Objective, this value is set to "Default" initially and can be changed later once your admin configures Goal Types.

  3. Hit "Save" and your new Business Objective is now viewable in the list view and relationship view.

Goal Relationships

You can now build relationships between Business Objectives, Use Cases and Success Criteria on your Plays. This functionality enables you to create clear, structured relationships between your goals, establishing parent-child connections. By building these hierarchies, you can easily see how individual goals contribute to larger objectives, fostering better alignment and more efficient progress tracking.

Relationship View

Every Play and Play Template now has a List View and Relationship View in its Goals Section. The List View is similar to the previous Goals View, whereas the Relationship View is where you can build and visualize how Goals relate to one another.

The List & Relationship View toggle is outlined in red below:

You can click on the List icon for the List View and the Relationship icon for the Relationship View

Build Relationships

You can build relationships by dropping into the Relationship View and expanding a Business Objective or Use Case to show its drawer. Let's walk through an example of adding a Use Case and Success Criteria Relationship to a Business Objective.

  1. Go to Relationship View in Play Goals

  2. Click on a Business Objective to open its drawer

  3. Click the "Add Relationship" button, outlined in the screenshot above. This will open a modal that allows you to choose Use Cases and Success Criteria to add to the Business Objective.

  4. Select the items you wish to add to the Business Objective via the checkboxes on the left side of each item

  5. Click "Add Selected" to create the relationships.

  6. You should now see the newly created relationships on the Business Objective, both in its drawer and in its card in the Relationship View

Goals Configuration for Admins

Goal Types

Goal Types across Business Objectives, Use Cases and Success Criteria allow you to organize your goals into meaningful categories, connecting them to larger themes. Not only does this make it easier for your team to track progress and align with overarching objectives, but it also sets the stage for enhanced analytics.

You can find Goal Types by navigating to Settings > Play > Goals and selecting the relevant Goal Type tab, below is an example of navigating to the Business Objective Type tab in the settings page.

Default Goal Types

The Default Goal Type is present across Business Objective, Use Case and Success Criteria Types. This is the built-in default Type that a newly created Goal will use. The Default Goal Type cannot be edited or removed.

Create a new Success Criteria Type

Let's run through an example of creating a Goal Type. In this example, we will create a new Success Criteria Type, but this flow is relevant for any of the Goal Types you may want to configure.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Play > Goals > Success Criteria Type

  2. Click the button in the top right to create a new Success Criteria Type

  3. Fill out the form, giving your Success Criteria Type a Name and, optionally, an admin-facing description:

  4. Hit Save and your new Success Criteria Type is now available to be tagged onto Success Criteria across your Plays and Play Templates.

Use Cases

Use Cases can now be configured globally and added to Play Goals.

Create a Global Use Case

Create Global Use Cases in order to use them on your Play Templates and Plays. Follow the example below to get started:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Play > Goals > Use Case

  2. Click the "Create Use Case" button in the top right. Enter the Name and Use Case Type (see instructions to configure a new Use Case Type here)

  3. The newly created global Use Case can now be added to Play Templates and Plays. See the next section for a step-by-step walkthrough.

Add a Use Case to a Play

Global Use Cases can be added to Templates and Plays, alike. Let's add one to a Play:

  1. Navigate to a Play's Goal section in the List View

  2. Scroll down to the Use Cases section and click the "Add Use Case" button

  3. Select globally configured Use Cases to add to the Play

    Note: You will not be able to add a Global Use Case that is already present on the Play.

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